czwartek, 8 listopada 2012

How to install Meteor?

All you need is on Meteor's example page.

How to install an example application?

Make a directory (not in www directory of your Apache, Meteor runs on Node.js. Has it's own server). Let's make it in your user directory i.e
greg@ThinkPad:~$ mkdir /home/greg/Meteor
Where greg is your username in your system. Or just
greg@ThinkPad:~$ mkdir ~/Meteor
Now get inside...
greg@ThinkPad:~$ cd ~/Meteor
...and clone examples from
greg@ThinkPad:~/Meteor$ meteor create --example leaderboard
Next enter cloned project's directory and run meteor command to start it on http://localhost:3000
greg@ThinkPad:~/Meteor$ cd leaderboards
greg@ThinkPad:~/Meteor/leaderboards$ meteor
You can clone also other examples:
- parties
- todos
- wordplay
It is a good practice to read them line by line, play around with them, change here and there.

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